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Recent jobs on upsquare-01

Show entries
ID Actions State Description Submitter Submit time End time Duration
17603 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 11:18a.m. March25, 11:19a.m. 0:01:19
16345 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:06a.m. Feb.04, 10:07a.m. 0:01:03
16346 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:07a.m. Feb.04, 10:08a.m. 0:00:58
16347 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:08a.m. Feb.04, 10:09a.m. 0:00:56
16348 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:09a.m. Feb.04, 10:10a.m. 0:00:57
16349 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:10a.m. Feb.04, 10:11a.m. 0:01:00
16350 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:11a.m. Feb.04, 10:12a.m. 0:00:55
16351 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:12a.m. Feb.04, 10:13a.m. 0:00:59
16352 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:13a.m. Feb.04, 10:14a.m. 0:00:58
16353 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:14a.m. Feb.04, 10:15a.m. 0:00:59
16354 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:16a.m. Feb.04, 10:17a.m. 0:00:59
16355 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:17a.m. Feb.04, 10:18a.m. 0:00:58
16356 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:18a.m. Feb.04, 10:19a.m. 0:00:59
16357 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:19a.m. Feb.04, 10:20a.m. 0:00:57
16358 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:20a.m. Feb.04, 10:21a.m. 0:00:58
16359 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:21a.m. Feb.04, 10:22a.m. 0:00:58
16360 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health Feb.04, 10:22a.m. Feb.04, 10:23a.m. 0:00:57
17662 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 12:41p.m. March25, 12:42p.m. 0:00:59
17604 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 11:19a.m. March25, 11:20a.m. 0:00:59
17646 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 12:19p.m. March25, 12:20p.m. 0:00:59
17670 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 12:52p.m. March25, 12:53p.m. 0:00:59
17605 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 11:21a.m. March25, 11:22a.m. 0:01:19
17663 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 12:42p.m. March25, 12:44p.m. 0:01:19
17647 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 12:20p.m. March25, 12:21p.m. 0:00:59
17606 Complete Health test for upsquare with next-20190211 lava-health March25, 11:22a.m. March25, 11:23a.m. 0:00:59


Show entries
Action time User Reason
Feb.23, 1:55p.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [16817] completed)
Feb.23, 1:53p.m. lab-baylibre Good → Unknown (xmlrpc api)
Feb.22, 10:35a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16787] completed)
Feb.19, 10:24a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16756] completed)
Feb.16, 10:24a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16680] completed)
Feb.13, 10:23a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16657] completed)
Feb.10, 10:23a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16612] completed)
Feb.07, 10:23a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16531] completed)
Feb.04, 10:23a.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [16360] completed)
Feb.04, 10:22a.m. lab-baylibre Looping → Unknown
Feb.04, 9:44a.m. lab-baylibre Maintenance → Looping
Jan.29, 4:34p.m. jsmoeller Good → Maintenance
Jan.28, 5:20p.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [16179] completed)
Jan.28, 5:17p.m. lava-health Good → Unknown (Infrastructure error after 16172)
Jan.28, 2:02p.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [16164] completed)
Jan.28, 2:01p.m. lava-health Good → Unknown (Infrastructure error after 16162)
Jan.28, 1:22p.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [16156] completed)
Jan.28, 1:21p.m. lava-health Good → Unknown (Infrastructure error after 16154)
Jan.28, 11:19a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16147] completed)
Jan.25, 11:19a.m. lava-health Good → Good (health-check [16054] completed)
Jan.22, 11:19a.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [16008] completed)
Jan.22, 11:18a.m. lava-health Good → Unknown (Infrastructure error after 16005)
Jan.22, 10:22a.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [15994] completed)
Jan.22, 10:21a.m. lava-health Good → Unknown (Infrastructure error after 15993)
Jan.21, 5:03p.m. lava-health Unknown → Good (health-check [15972] completed)